Long time football coach, educator, and administrator Tot Workman passed away this past week. Coach Workman was a 1990 inductee into the Arizona Athletic Coaches Hall of Fame. Workman won 3 state titles at Round Valley in 1979, 80, and 85 (tie with Snowflake). Born and bred in Arizona Workman played high school football at St. David., college football at NAU (Arizona State Teacher's College), and coached in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and then finished his career in Arizona. Workman coached every major sport in high school at one time or another. He was inducted into the National...Read more
Welcome Message
The structure of this web site is to honor those individuals that have devoted their lives to serving Arizona's youth with leadership, excellence, and success. The men and women inducted into the Arizona High School Athletic Coaches Hall of Fame are the epitome of their profession and are being honored by their peers. As of this writing 220 great coaches/educators have been inducted into this place of honor. The Hall of Fame inductions began in 1984 with 32 charter members. Usually a group of 5 new worthy coaches are added annually after a preceding member and/or the Executive Board induction committee nominates and then selects the candidates on the basis of their tenure, merit, and other exemplary characteristics. We hope you enjoy moving through this history of excellence in Arizona High School Athletics. You are navigating through a membership of coaches that have all been a coach for 20 years in the same sport, more than one sport, had unparalleled success, and/or have served their respective coaches' associations in various volunteer capacities. Enjoy this trip down memory lane. There is a handsome public display of all 220 coaches in the Gila River Arena in Glendale just inside Gate 7.